Chronsult - Family & Business transformation


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Available in Spanish

Gentrification, a phenomenon that affects the dynamics of societies

Their emergence has impacted several cities around the world. Nearly 70 percent of these new areas in the U.S. are adjacent to affluent neighborhoods and affect mostly renters…

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Available in Spanish

Meritocracy : The science and art of identifying and rewarding the ‘best’.

There is a consensus that measurement should be objective based on certain pre-established criteria that are aligned with the company’s goals and purpose…

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Available in Spanish

Learning to learn

In today’s world and with technology trends leading the transformation of businesses worldwide, it is not complicated to assume that knowing about artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and other technologies is a must…

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Available in Spanish

Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

In the same way that any product or service that is made available to the market must have an inherent value proposition that makes it attractive to potential consumers…

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Available in Spanish

The Future of Work

If you haven’t heard the term yet, here it is: The Future of Work is a prediction of how technological and social progress trends will shape the relationship between companies and their employees…

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Available in Spanish

Advisory boards as a transition to directories

As we approach the presentation of the annual results of companies in Peru, in addition to the evaluation of the financial aspect, there is another evaluation of the levels of formalization…

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Available in Spanish

Requests to the Three Wise Men for a successful company

Learn about the three gifts that will allow you to actively generate trust with all your company’s stakeholders. Authenticity is one of those that must prevail…

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Available in Spanish

How to compensate a CEO

When it comes to executive compensation, and particularly that of the CEO, it is believed that there is nothing new under the sun…

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Martin Salas

Boards and Crisis Management

When the noise still resounds due to the Pura Vida scandal, some experts attribute the root of the problem to the lack of adequate corporate governance..

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